Food + Lifestyle Blog

Only Stone Fruit in September

Everything is Peachy Keen With This Peach Galette Recipe

Everything is Peachy Keen With This Peach Galette Recipe

Apologies in advance to any other state that may claim they have the best, but we only get our peaches from Colorado - especially in September! Farm stands are on nearly every street corner and it is not uncommon to just indulge in a couple for dinner because it's always possible this could be the last batch until next year. I am not being dramatic, today its 98 degrees outside but this time last year we already had our first snow! So please, indulge away!

If you're looking for a fun and easy way to use up some of that crate you picked up along the way, try making a galette. A galette is just a rustic tart composed of filling and a simple butter crust. Theresa has the perfect recipe for a butter crust, but since it's already Friday and I am not here to ruin your life, I am just going to suggest refrigerated pie crust from your local supermarket. But I will make sure she does share her crust recipe at some point - I promise!

Peachy Keen Galette


  • 1 refrigerated pie crust

  • 3-4 medium yellow peaches, sliced and not too ripe

  • 1/4 C brown sugar

  • 1 Tbs lemon juice

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • 1 Tbs cornstarch

  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon

  • Pinch of salt

*Optional: 1 Tbs peach or apricot jam, edible flower petals, heavy whipping cream or an egg, coarse sugar - please refer to the optional instructions below.


  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

  2. Let the pie crust come to room temperature for about 10 minutes.

  3. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper and roll out your pie crust.

  4. In a large bowl, mix well the brown sugar, lemon juice, vanilla, cornstarch, cinnamon, and salt.

  5. You do not want your peaches to be too soggy or battered so right when you are ready to assemble your galette is when you carefully mix the sliced peaches with the sugary liquid goodness. Be sure to coat the peaches well.

  6. Arrange the peaches on your pie crust and leave 2 - 3" around the edges.

  7. Once all of your peaches are arranged, fold the edges of the crust up and over to enclose the filling. Overlap and pinch the dough together as needed.

  8. If you feel like your filling looks a little dry, you may drizzle a little of the leftover juice on top, but be careful not to pour in too much or you risk a hot, soggy peach mess.

  9. *Option Step: You may brush the entire galette, crust and all, with a little heavy cream or an egg wash and sprinkle some coarse sugar over the crust.

  10. Bake at 425 for 10 minutes.

  11. Reduce the heat to 375 for another 30-35 minutes until the galette is golden and the peach juices begin to bubble. If the crust looks like it may be browning too quickly, you may loosely cover the edges with aluminum foil.

  12. *Optional Step: If you desire a glossy shine, heat the jam slowly until melted. When the galette is finished baking you may brush the entire galette with the warm liquid jam and garnish with edible flower petals.

  13. Once the galette is finished baking, remove it from the oven and let cool completely before serving.

We feel that this peach galette is best served with a chilled glass of champagne or a scoop of ice cream - or both! This truly does taste like the final days of summer, pure sunshine.


Kristen + Theresa

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