Food + Lifestyle Blog

New Years Eve Pairing: Welcoming 2021 In Style!

In honor of New Years Eve, we are celebrating 2021 with Champagne and Floral Cheese Rounds.

We're Celebrating The End Of The Year And Toasting To The New With Champagne And Floral Cheese Rounds.

Finally! We get to close the book on this very difficult year. Yes, we do understand that January 1st will still be very much the same as every other day before that, but there is the hope that life will renew in 2021. Hope that we can get back to travel and hugging family and friends that we have not been able to connect with. Hope that we can even just leave the house again without the nagging fear of what cannot be seen - just HOPE.

However, 2020 wasn't all bad for us. We launched our retail line as well as this website and have been able to connect with all of you! And although we weren't able to gather, the flowers still grew and inspiration could still be found. But we are so looking forward to getting out and meeting, connecting, and collaborating with customers and other makers alike. We have high hopes for this coming year.

We wanted to arrange a second pairing for the month of December because we couldn't decide between chocolate or cheese and cocktails or wine - so we chose both! It's a month for celebration and indulgence, so why not? And in honor of New Years Eve we are making it very simple and sleek. We are toasting to HOPE for 2021, with Champagne and pairing it with our elegant take on the classic cheese ball. By making them mini and finishing them with edible flower petals, they show up to the occasion and are sure to standout, but are simpler than ever to make.

Floral Cheese Rounds

This isn't so much of a recipe as it is a loose outline leaving room for serving sizes and other variations or substitutions. If you do not like goat cheese you could substitute Boursin or creamy blue cheese and use a little more cream cheese.

  • 2 Parts goat cheese log, softened

  • 1 Part cream cheese, softened

  • Fresh herbs, chopped

  • Salt and Pepper to taste

  • Flouwer Co. Edible Flower Petals to garnish


Simply mix chopped herbs into softened goat and cream cheeses. Season with salt and pepper and blend well. Once it is well mixed, shape into rounds and garnish with edible flower petals on top. We like to build a little pyramid with the rounds and serve with Flouwer Co. Artisanal Crackers and a glass of chilled champagne.

This recipe is so versatile! In the colder winter months you can use our dried Edible Flower Petals, but these can be made just as easily in the spring and summer with fresh edible flowers as well - it's oh so pretty!

We hope you have a nice and safe New Years Eve. We cheers to all of you and are so excited for the opportunities to come. Happy New Year!


Kristen + Theresa

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