September has been a month...
In Denver, we've already had snow as well as unbelievable smoke from the wildfires in the mountains and other western states due to the disastrous effects of climate change. Could 2020 be any more surreal? But that’s a topic for another day...

Now, normally Coloradans have only one thing on their minds in late summer and that is PEACHES! Especially peaches from a town located in a valley on the western slopes called Palisade. The growing conditions there are near perfect for growing big fruit with their hot days and cool nights. When Palisade Peaches hit the stores and farm stands people buy them by the case loads to take full advantage of the season. Heck, I was so intrigued that we even drove across the state last year to see the Peach Queen be crowned at the Annual Palisade Peach Festival! We would be nuts to feature any other fruit for our first September Pairings post. I also believe there are other areas of the country that produce great peaches so hopefully similar results are achievable.
As far as cheese is concerned, the Marinated Goat Cheese from Meredith Dairy in Australia is a perfect pairing to peaches. When we first tried this cheese last year it knocked our socks off! It’s a smooth, delicate goat cheese that is cubed and submerged in premium oils, sprigs of herbs, and spices. It’s so delightful! Initially, this cheese was very difficult to find around town, but I’ve recently seen it at our local grocery chains as well as Costco so I feel like it shouldn’t be too difficult to track down now. Trust us, you will be SO GLAD that you did!

**To Serve** Slice the peaches and sprinkle a little fresh thyme and lavender on top if you have it, and of course we recommend this pairing with Flouwer Co. Artisanal Crackers. Add the Marinated Goat, maybe a drizzle of quality honey and enjoy with a glass of chilled dry Prosecco. Does it get any better!?
As always, let us know what you think and if you haven’t already please sign up to receive our newsletter where we will feature our pairings, recipes, inspiration, and Flouwer Co. product information.