Food + Lifestyle Blog

This Year's Halloween Cocktail Is The Stuff Of Legends

We're calling it "Sleepy Hollow" and it may even be worth losing your head over...

We're calling it "Sleepy Hollow" and it may even be worth losing your head over...

With Orange Blossom Cocktail Cubes, it would almost be insane not to feature them at Halloween. However, it was a challenge landing on a recipe that was bright in flavor but also just haunting enough to coincide with the holiday. We took a poll on Instagram and an overwhelming majority of you voted to name it "Sleepy Hollow" and we are sure it will help get you into the Halloween spirit!

Sleepy Hollow

Makes 2 Cocktails


  • 3oz vodka

  • 2oz fresh lemon juice

  • 1 1/2oz honey simple syrup (1:1)

  • 6-8 Orange Blossom Cocktail Cubes, muddled

  • 2oz egg white


Muddle the cubes and shake all ingredients until the egg white is well combined. Then add ice and shake again to chill. Strain into coupe glasses and garnish the top with bitters. We mixed activated charcoal with bitters to achieve the perfect spooky effect.

Happy Halloween!

Kristen + Theresa

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